If you ask Radnor students about November 7th, most will excitedly tell you that it’s a day off of school. But this Tuesday is more than just a random day off – it marks an opportunity to vote, or otherwise participate, in the municipal election. The election involves choosing local leaders to make decisions about policies within Radnor Township. It is increasingly important to vote in this election, as the results have a strong influence on the processes that impact the community. You may even know some of the candidates! Seniors that are already 18-years-old will be able to vote for the first time in this election. It’s our duty to show up at the polls and make a difference.
For those who cannot vote, do not feel as if you have no power in the local decisions being made. There are many other ways to get involved in local politics. One of the most helpful and rewarding opportunities is to volunteer at the polls. More than just a way to earn volunteer hours, assisting at the polls can give you valuable insight into the mechanisms behind our local democracy. The poll workers are critical to making elections run as smoothly as possible. Voters may also be encouraged by the engaged and excited faces of students.
Volunteering at the polls is accessible and flexible. Given the large window that the polls are open, between 7am. and 8pm., there are many different shifts you can work. Any amount of time that you can volunteer is greatly appreciated.
Here’s what you can expect as a poll volunteer:
Making sure voters have a welcoming and friendly poll experience.
Introducing yourself to voters, thanking them after they are finished.
Ensuring that voters know the candidates on the ballot.
Handing out party materials (provided at the polls when you arrive).
Get Involved!
Opportunity 1:
The attached link will allow you to register for different time slots to work with the Radnor Democrats. You would most likely be responsible for reminding the voters of the Democratic candidates that are running for election and handing out related materials.
Opportunity 2:
The other opportunity is to volunteer at the polls for Leslie Flick, the Republican candidate running for Ward 7 Commissioner. Email margaritateresamoreland@gmail.com if you are interested! The Radnor Republicans are looking to fill the 7-1 (Rosemont Plaza Apts) and 7-2 (St. John’s AME Church) election locations.
For either opportunity, you do not have to belong to a specific political group to volunteer. Both opportunities are easy yet powerful ways to learn about voting in Radnor Township!