Radnor’s 120th LM Week
December 11, 2016
Leading up to the long-anticipated week of election results, which led to friction in the nation and in our communities, Radnor carried on with its unifying tradition: LM week. In celebration of the 120th anniversary of the historic football rivalry, all Radnor students, from freshman to seniors, went all-out to commemorate their hallways to the board game theme.
Spirit week commenced Monday morning as students strolled through the doors in their pajamas and made their way into Seniorland, which was based off of the childhood favorite Candyland, with ice cream and mint candy balloons and pennant streamers adorning the ceiling.
As students walked down the corridor that was spanned with posters of gingerbread men possessing the faces of fellow football players, they entered the sophomores’ pink- and purple-lit Game of LIFE hallway, which was decorated with streamers and contained a picture of the iconic LIFE spin board that resembled that of the Twister spin board, which also hung just over the corner in the polka-dotted band hallway.
Heading up the stairs, students entered the freshman hallway, its slogans playing off of Shoots and Ladders, and made their way into the language corridor and international café, which the juniors transformed into the world of Monopoly and the Radnor Railroad, dangling dollar bills off the ceiling, placing them on the vending machines, and drawing some with the faces of the football players. Finally, Radnor students went “down” with LM as they returned to the marvelous, colorful Seniorland in the elevator, but as predicted, Radnor prevailed the following Monday with a phenomenal victory over Lower Merion.
Prior to the game though, students rejoiced during the rest of the spirit days and, of course, the LM Pep Rally. Hawaiian shirts, sunglasses, and leis made a comeback in the middle of autumn on Tiki Tuesday, nearly everyone was arrayed in red, white, and blue and shone with American pride on USA Day, Throwback Thursday had students sporting looks from the 1900s to days earlier in that week, and Friday was devoted to Radnor not only in the high school but throughout the district. Children in elementary and middle school showed their support for the football team by dressing in maroon and white, and they got a special visit from the cheerleaders, who helped spread the Radnor spirit.
Friday was also the day of the LM Pep Rally, which featured performances from the cheerleaders, the dance team, color guard, Radnor Ravers, and the drum line. Additionally, there were the traditional dances: the football player and cheerleader dance, the partner dance, and the senior girls and boys dances. To the great excitement of the student body, the faculty also brought back the Toads and Sisters this year.
However, there were several changes to the tradition. “Beat AP” became a prominent slogan over the course of the week along with the classic “Beat LM” because the football team advanced to the District 1 playoffs for the first time in history and was preparing to play Academy Park on Friday, and although it wasn’t victorious, this achievement was significant to Radnor nonetheless. The game also changed the half-day Monday to a half-day Wednesday following Election Day on Tuesday. The LM Pep Rally video underwent some modifications, as well, focusing on the history of the game first because of the 120th anniversary and including a Mario-themed part afterward. There was also a separate second video that parodied the song “My Shot” from the renowned musical Hamilton.
Despite its slight stray from tradition, LM week was still as memorable as ever, and Radnor can proudly hold onto the trophy for another year.