It’s been more than a month since the Radnor High School Band’s marching season has been over. Spanning three months—through games, practice, and shows—it is safe to say the band had a very successful marching season.
Though it already seems like long ago, I still remember the first day of band camp where I was terrified to see what was in store for me. To my surprise, I was welcomed with the smiling faces of upperclassmen and Band Leadership members. Throughout the season, I learned and experienced so much under the leadership of many upperclassmen including Drum Majors Amanda and Anna Marie Glanzmann, Drum Captain Ian Casillas, and Mellophone player Jackie Puopolo, whom I was fortunate to speak to today. Here is what they has to say about their experiences in band:
Hannah: First, your favorite band memory?
Ian: My favorite band memory was when I was in 8th grade: they had a middle school band night. I had started playing drum set like a year earlier. In the concert band, I was still playing the baritone horn, so when we came to the high school for middle school band night, I found my horn section. When we got to the stands, the drumline marched down by themselves as we were already in the stands and I cannot describe the feeling I got when I heard the drumline playing the cadence that first year. After that, I was like, “alright I need to play the drums in the marching band”.
Anna Marie: My favorite band memory has to be when the band was in Disney and we had a trumpet sectional dinner. After the dinner, we went and watched a light show, and everyone was just so happy, it was awesome.
Jackie: Going to Disney was also my favorite band memory. We saw the fireworks and they were so pretty and beautiful, and I felt so lucky to be able to go to Disney with a bunch of my band friends. 10 out of 10!
Amanda: My favorite band memory was also on the Disney trip. There wasn’t a connecting flight from Orlando to Philadelphia, so we had to go from Orlando to Atlantic City, and drive from Atlantic City to Philadelphia. We were on the bus back at three in the morning, and we had school the next day so we were all snuggled up and sleeping, and it was really wholesome. It felt like I really had this family in the band.
Hannah: Anything you want to say to future RHS band members?
Ian: There is a stereotype that band kids are super weird because some band kids are super weird. You have to get over the fact—if you’re in band, you’re not cool—so if you kind of get over the social hump, then you can just really relax and goof around and have fun all the time without worrying about your placement in any school hierarchy. You kind of remove yourself from the hierarchy voluntarily, so it’s not really a stressor anymore. So I would say just join band and have fun!
Anna Marie: When you join band, get close to Maria and Mr. Drew. They’re like your parents in this big, band family. They are not people you have to be scared of—they are your friends. They want to help you, and they wanna help you be section leader, and they wanna help you be drum major. I got a lot of my friends to join band a couple of years ago, and they’ve also had so much fun.
Jackie: Join band! Band is a lot of fun and even if you’re not good at an instrument, they’ll teach you. Everyone will love you, and it’s truly a really great family.
Amanda: I wanna say, you’ll never know how much fun you’ll have in band until you join! Don’t do it just for the trips, but the trips are awesome.
Hannah: Last question, if you could go back to 5th grade, would you still choose to join band?
Ian: Yes, I would definitely choose to join band. I made most of my friends here in band.
Anna Marie: Of course, I would choose to join band a million times over. It is the best experience of my high school career, probably one of the best experiences of my life so far is being in band.
Jackie: I would totally join the band because it has been so fun. It has been like a rock in my life. I also have so many friends in band, and it’s like a little support group. I love music, it’s so near and dear to my heart. Band is just wonderful and I’m happy I did it. I technically did quit but I came back! So, I would without a doubt join it because I love music so much.
Amanda: Yes, absolutely, I would join band. If I didn’t join band, I would be kicking myself over it. Because I was doing orchestra, band, and chorus in middle school and wanted to do all three in high school, I was really nervous because I didn’t know if it was possible to do all three. I was thinking about which one I should quit, but I felt that I should stick with band. Though it was the one I started the latest, I still wanted to be in the band. I’m so glad I stuck with band because it ended up meaning so much to me. It’s really beautiful to see my grandpa at the football games watching me and Anna Marie conduct because that’s what he did with my mom at the same Radnor field. It’s really great for me to see how happy he looks.
Without the inspiration and kindness of band leadership, band would not be the second home it is to all members. Band leadership members certainly are role models to all those around them, and I hope to become an amazing leader like them someday. A huge thank you to Anna Marie, Amanda, Jackie, and Ian for the interview, empowering everyone in your respective sections, and for sharing your thoughts on the band. If you would like to join band, please see Mr. Drew for more info and sign up for it in the upcoming course selection for next year!