December Crossword Puzzle

December 11, 2018
1. Mosquito spray brand
4. Buzzing insect
7. Spanish for gold
8. One watery spray
11. Related to
13. Home of Teenage Turtles
14. Distress signal abbr.
15. Father
16. Background character on “The Simpsons” Disco __.
17. Radio brod. known for soft-talking
18. Backs of one’s feet
20. Chicago’s nickname
22. What Benjamin Button didn’t do
23. First three letters of tariff agreement acronym
24. Six-sided game night essential
25. TV home of the Mets abbr.
1. “My bad”
2. Escaped barnyard animal
3. Cautioned against
4. A pirate’s place for drinking? (bad pun)
5. Record label responsible for Queen and The Beatles abbr.
6. Children’s show “Little ___.”
9. Islamic leader of South Korea? (awful pun)
10. 6 pt. plays in American Football
12. Texas Senator Cruz
16. NCAA Football division
17. “Straight Outta Compton”rap group
18. Excitement
19. Cable channel sharing a name with its genre
21. Abbr. for intoxicated vehicle operation