RTSD Elementary School Students Respond: “How I spend my days at home”

Recently, Governor Wolf announced that all Pennsylvania schools are closed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Radnorite invited all elementary school students in the Radnor Township School District to respond to the prompt “How I spend my days at home”. During this difficult time, families across the township are finding creative ways to spend their time while self-isolating. 

Responses are shared below:


Dylan, Third Grade, Ithan Elementary

Alice, Fifth Grade, Ithan Elementary

You think that three weeks isolated in my home with two parents, my grandparents, my brother and a crying baby sister, I would have gone crazy. But surprisingly, I have kept myself sane.  Unless you count sane as listening to country music while playing the air guitar while doing the crab walk at the same time. While normal people wake up to the sound of their alarm, or to the peaceful birds chirping, I wake up to the sound of crying. Yes, that’s right. My baby sister is my alarm. She wakes me up every day, with her built-in crying system.
I head downstairs, and when normal people smell the fresh aroma of pancakes, I smell nothing. No one is up yet. Not yet. Soon, my grandma and grandpa come downstairs, carrying my baby sister, who was quietly sucking on a pacifier. I am tempted to squish those chubby cheeks, but I resist and play with her instead. I play with her until the smell of breakfast drifts up my nose. Soon after, I get ready for school. I start with the regular, Intervention and Enrichment, catching up on anything I didn’t do yesterday. My school day is regular, but I like to take short 5-minute breaks instead of a long specials.
It is a normal day at home-school, but instead of having lunch at 1:05, we have it much earlier. After we’ve completed all our activities, me, my brother, and my sister go out to play. My sister can’t walk yet, but she loves cars, so she “drives” in a mini car that my brother and I push. That would be a normal day at the home-school, but every day is different, and I cannot wait for the unexpected adventures that are waiting for us!

Lauren, Fifth Grade, Radnor Elementary

Stella, First Grade, Ithan Elementary

Since we have been stuck at home, we have been doing a lot of fun stuff at my house.  We have been going on walks, bike rides, and playing games.  My favorite part of staying home is that I get to stay with my mom and teach her GoNoodle BrainBreaks.  My least favorite part of staying home is that you have to do a lot of school work. 

Brianna, Kindergarden, Wayne Elementary

Vivienne, First Grade, Wayne Elementary

Vivienne has been spending her time writing a book about her stuffed pig, Bob, and how he is coping with the Coronavirus. The book is called “Bob in the time of Coronavirus.” She is writing/illustrating one or more pages a day and sharing her work on Facebook.

Luke (Second Grade), Noah (Kindergarten), and Dylan, Ithan Elementary

Devin (First Grade) and Dylan (Kindergarten), Ithan Elementary

Devin and Dylan have been spending some of their days doing STEM projects. This was their “21 elephants and counting” bridge building project. (Story goes that when the Brooklyn bridge in NYC was first built many were afraid to cross because they didn’t think it was safe, so the owner of Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus crossed his real-life 21 elephants over the bridge and with that convinced New Yorkers it was safe enough to cross!) 

Amanda, Fourth Grade, Ithan Elementary

Alex, First Grade, Wayne Elementary

Evan, Third Grade, Ithan Elementary

I spend my days at home studying, playing piano, and watching TV. On weekdays I learn on Schoology and chat with my friends in morning meeting and closing circle. I do Xtramath every day to increase my math skills. I also do Chinese homework. Every 5 days in specials I get to do learn how to play piano. I do my lessons on an app called Simply Piano. I am getting better at my piano skills every day! Also, I make cool builds with my blocks and do chores with my baby sister Emily to earn money. We use those money to buy yummy treats. We like to dance and sing along to the music. Our father sometimes puts on our favorite songs, but occasionally we hear a new song. I really miss my friends and my teacher Ms. Cooper. I also miss the air and the outside world around me. 

Juan, Fifth Grade, Wayne Elementary

I relax on my sofa and play video games and occasionally I play with my little sister. 

Dhrithi, First Grade, Wayne Elementary

Nandhana, Kindergarten, Wayne Elementary

spend my days at home by doing lots of math! It keeps me busy and I like doing it. I also like to play Compass Learning, do LEGO building challenges, and teaching my sister how to ride a two wheel bike!

Lily, Kindergarten, Radnor Elementary

Emma, Kindergarten, Ithan Elementary

I like to draw and paint with watercolors! I do some schoolwork that my teacher sends, but when I’m not in a lesson I like doing crafts and learning to ride my two wheel bike! I’m getting really good at it!

Thank you to all of the families and students for their submissions. Stay safe, Radnor!