Radnorite Mini Crossword #4

Eleanor Adams and The CrossBoard

The CrossBoard is excited to present to fourth installment of the Radnorite Mini Crossword! Happy solving and go see Mamma Mia.

1. Head librarian and manager of the library's Instagram.
2. All students are counting down the days until
3. Junior year science requirement.
4. With 5, this mother daughter duo stars in the spring musical Mamma Mia.
5. With 4, this mother daughter duo stars in the spring musical Mamma Mia.
6. Mamma Mia takes place in
7. Recreational activity during lunch in the gym.
8. Test that covers algebra, biology, and literature in three installments.
9. Risk of parking in the Radnor Financial Center.
10. As of February 24, Radnor is mask
11. Radnorite column that interviews randomly selected students every week.
12. Where the district one 5A basketball finals will be held.