Introducing RHS Homecoming Court 2022
November 1, 2022
Last month, members of the Senior class voted for their 2022 Homecoming Court. Congratulations to Amelia Dole, Meghan Dole, Sabina Eraso, Lauren Kelley, Ella Sule, Ryan Brennan, Sam Hilbert, Michael McNicholas, Cooper Roy, and Jake Van Horn!
Ahead of the World Series, each nominee participated in a Phillies-themed photoshoot. Their personalized baseball cards, courtesy of RTSD communications, are found below alongside a Radnorite exclusive interview with each candidate.
Ladies of the Court
Amelia Dole

Amelia may have started at Radnor her freshman year, but no one can argue her dedicated school spirit. Cross country captain and member of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, her impact on Radnor goes without saying. Amelia, in addition to volunteering with Radnor’s A Second Set of Hands and running track, enjoys reading with a book club outside of school. Her talent? A shockingly double-jointed elbow that’s fit for a Queen. If crowned actual ruler of Radnor, Amelia’s first edict would be to unlock the girls’ second floor bathrooms during lunch periods. Naming the library’s new Zen Den as the best place in the school to nap, Amelia has taken part in important school decisions (such as furniture choice— those chairs are really comfortable) as the senior class secretary. When asked what advice she’d give to underclassmen, Amelia responded, “Time flies, so take it in.”
Meghan Dole

Meghan’s appearance as second in this list is purely alphabetical; technically speaking, she’s actually older than Amelia. Either way, I’m positive the Dole parents are beyond proud of having TWO members of their family represented on the court this year. Meghan’s nomination comes as no surprise to all those who know her. A field hockey, basketball, and softball player, she has certainly made an impact on Radnor’s sports scene, but athletics aren’t her only skill. “I can solve a Rubik’s Cube,” says Meghan. “I can do a somewhat-accurate Trumpet impression.” After proving to me the accuracy of her talent, Meghan also shouted out the library’s Zen Den and, similar to Amelia, chose flying as her ideal superpower. I guess twin telepathy really is real. Next Fall, Meghan will play field hockey at Franklin & Marshall College (Go Dips!). However, she’ll first lead Radnor Girls Field Hockey in the upcoming State tournament as a captain and goalie. Good luck Meghan!
Sabina Eraso

When asked why she thought her classmates chose to nominate her, Sabina replied, “I’m involved in a lot of different activities, so I know a lot of different groups of people… I’m Vice President of the French Club, I play soccer and track, and I’m president of the LLS Club.” On top of all these amazing organizations, Sabina also loves to read and create art. Many of her pieces have made the display case outside of the art classroom, where she participates at the AP level, so make sure to check them out! Sabina’s advice to underclassmen is to “branch out to people in your classes and people that you didn’t think you would usually be friends with, because you can meet a lot of cool people that way.” Sabina chose to shout out Taylor Swift’s newest album Midnights by picking “Karma” as her ideal walkout song.
Lauren Kelley

“For better or for worse,” says Lauren on being nominated, “I’m a very loud person and I tend to make myself heard.” Speaking for all of Radnor, we love listening to Lauren on the Morning Take every homeroom. Her voice plays a positive role both on the announcements and within many different student organizations. Lauren runs cross country, plays lacrosse, participates in the orchestra, helps lead Model UN, and serves on Radnor’s calendar committee. Outside of the school, Lauren fosters kittens and reads in a book club. While “The Man” by Taylor Swift plays, Lauren as actual Queen would bring the middle school’s retired So Fun Yogurt up to RHS lunches. If she were an ice cream flavor, it would be mint chocolate chip— but only the green kind. Lauren’s note to underclassmen: “Be yourself, because you shouldn’t have to change for other people. If you continue to be yourself, you’ll find the right people.”
Ella Sule

Ella and I talked during a rainy Radnor Girls Soccer practice, a setting which accurately demonstrates her involvement in athletics. Ella plays soccer, rows crew, is a member of the RHS Ski Club, and is currently organizing a rec basketball league. In addition to these activities, Ella plays guitar and can do a pretty accurate Shakira impression. She reminds underclassmen to “have fun as much as you can… You’ll miss it.” Ella’s ideal superpower is invisibility, her preferred ice cream is cookies n’ cream, and her favorite place to nap is the Senior Seminar room. Similarly, if crowned actual royalty, Ella would make it her mission to add more couches in classrooms.
Gentlemen of the Court
Ryan Brennan

While playing chess in the library, Ryan spoke on the reason for his nomination: “I love the people and the people love me.” Ryan plays baseball and soccer, participates in Model UN, founded the Latin Club, and serves as president of Debate. After a brief interruption in which he may have revealed a gambling problem associated with library chess matches, Ryan shared that he plays clarinet and can accurately impersonate Louis Armstrong. Ryan asks underclassmen to “please remember me,” but also to “try your best in everything.” His ideal superpower is teleportation, but he’s lactose intolerant, so the ice cream question didn’t apply. Ryan couldn’t think of an immediate response to his walk-out song, deciding later between either “Nice for What” by Drake or “Kiss Me More” by Doja Cat. If made actual King of Radnor, Ryan would institute double-ply toilet paper in every bathroom.
Sam Hilbert

Although Sam credits his nomination to the dedicated campaigning of some friends, his involvement at Radnor speaks to his overall school spirit. Sam is the co-founder of the RHS Ski Club, plays on the tennis team, and is a member of the Radnor Investment Club. I also conducted Sam’s interview outside of a Best Buddies meeting that he was attending. His dream walk-out song is “Kashmir” by Led Zeppelin and his favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough. Similar to many of his fellow members of the court, as actual King, Sam would improve school lunches. In a message to underclassmen, Sam reminds them to “try your hardest” throughout their time at Radnor.
Michael McNicholas

I finally found Michael while he was transporting large posters from his car into the school for LM week hallway decorating. When asked about his nomination, Michael humbly said, “I’m involved with a lot of clubs, so I think my name was just a familiar one.” As Student Body President, a peer mentor, President of A Second Set of Hands club, a French club member, and a Model UN participant, Michael severely understated his presence at Radnor. He also does theater and plays the alto saxophone, the baritone saxophone, and the trumpet. Following an instruction to the student helping him move painting materials (“Lift that up!”), Michael provided his advice to underclassmen: “Stay in school, don’t drop out, don’t do drugs, listen to your teachers, make the most of high school— it flies by.” With reading minds as his ideal superpower and “I Won’t Say I’m in Love” from Hercules as his anthem, Michael’s favorite napping spot is on the library floor underneath the desks.
Cooper Roy

Cooper first spoke about the feeling of being nominated: “I’ve been here for the last 13 years, and I was really excited when I got announced.” Cooper’s place on the court speaks to his involvement at Radnor; he helps with the football, basketball, and baseball teams, and some mornings you can catch him on the “Sports Scoop with Coop” over the announcements. Outside of school, Cooper loves to hang out with friends, play video games, and watch a lot of sports. If he were on the Phillies, his walkout song would be “Love Story” by Taylor Swift. Cooper’s ideal superpower is strength, and he chose the wrestling mats as the best place to nap. When asked what he would do as King of the school, Cooper shouted out Radnor’s positive changes from the last couple of years, complimenting the 8:30 start time and the addition of Lunch & Learn. Cooper reminds underclassmen to “work hard and have a good life… whatever grade you’re in, enjoy your four years, three years, two years, just enjoy it.” Make sure to support Cooper and the rest of the Radnor Football Team this weekend at the LM game!
Jake Van Horn

Jake plays music for the school every day, so one could expect his walkout song to be carefully considered. He answered “Enter Sandman” by Metallica in practically a nanosecond. On his nomination, Jake said it’s “because everyone hears my voice over the speakers every morning,” commenting on his role at the announcements with Lauren. In addition to the Take, he served on the school board committee and is captain of the varsity baseball team. Jake advises underclassmen to “become friends with your teachers, and don’t post questionable stuff on social media.” His ideal superpower being “whatever Frozone has, ” if Jake were an ice cream flavor, it would be blueberry. As actual King of the school, Jake would implement corrections on every test.
The King and Queen will be crowned during halftime of the 126th Radnor vs. LM game this Monday, November 7th, home on Prevost field. Good luck to all!