Vacant Spots in Empty Lots: Radnor’s Ongoing Problem
February 28, 2023
During what has been an otherwise untroubled school year at Radnor High School, one looming dilemma continues to stay afloat.
The issue of where students are permitted to park has long plagued the administration of Radnor High School. Dr. MacNamara has repeated that only seniors have the eligibility to park on campus and juniors are to park in the Radnor Memorial parking lot by Archbishop John Carroll High School. However, not wanting to walk nearly a mile to school every day, many juniors continue to park in restricted areas.
On the first day of school, the Radnor administration informed students that they were taking the issue of juniors parking on campus seriously, warning them twice if they disobeyed the order and towing their cars (at their own expense) for a third violation. Yet, as of February 12, no car has been towed. The absence of punishment enforcement has led many to believe that the towing threat is nothing more than a scare tactic.
So why is it that these rebellious juniors continue to break the rules?
The cardinal reason is that even after every senior who wants a spot has parked, empty spots on campus are still abundant- namely in Junior Lot. Thus, the common argument brought up by the Class of ‘24 is that they should be able to park in what would otherwise be empty spots, rather than trudging through the blistering cold like the rest of their classmates. But, if they are to comply with the administration’s commands, they must stare at these vacant spots and resist the urge to harmlessly utilize them. Is it really so unreasonable if they use them once every so often? After all, it is called “Junior” Lot! “Why wouldn’t I park in J-Lot?,” said one anonymous junior. “It is convenient because it cuts down my walk significantly. Otherwise, it’s a ten minute walk in the cold.”
Most of the seniors, who park on campus lawfully, oppose the juniors and side with the administration. They fear that if enough juniors begin parking in Junior Lot, parking will become a “first come, first served” situation, where those who come to school earliest will get the spots. “Some people in particular shouldn’t be parking there; everyone has to wait their turn,” said disgruntled senior Matthew Brubaker.
However, it seems like there is an easy solution to the potential for an early morning race for available spots: a two part lottery that gives the seniors priority with the juniors vying for any remaining spots. This would ensure that the seniors didn’t feel short changed while the juniors did have to wonder about the many vacant spots going to waste.
Radnor’s parking predicament doesn’t look like it is getting solved any time soon; it will be an interesting story to follow as the school year progresses.