Farewell Class of 2023

Picture taken by Stuart Ebby

On Wednesday, June 7th, the Class of 2023 graduated from Radnor High School. Every year, the Radnorite publishes an issue where the senior staff members have the opportunity to reflect on their experiences at Radnor and say their goodbyes.

Sammy Rosin: 

As graduation approaches, it feels like everyone has advice to share with us seniors about how to be successful in the future or what we should value in life, or what we should make sure to do or not to do. I don’t expect my article to stand out from the plethora of other suggestions we have received, but I hope that I can express what I have learned from being part of the Radnorite. 

For me, the role of a journalist has always been to weave together the incredible and unique voices of students and community members to tell a story. Without all of the people who were willing to make themselves vulnerable and who were courageous enough to share their stories with Radnorite reporters and the community, we would not be able to create any impact – whether that’s showing people they are not alone, catalyzing change, or simply bringing people joy. As we continue on to college or to wherever the future may take us, we stand at the precipice of a new adventure. We have been surrounded by the same people for years, whether it’s the past four years or the past thirteen, and now we must take the next step on our own. While there is no perfect formula for making friends and building new relationships, never underestimate the power of listening. The perspectives of others often help us to examine and push our own beliefs and worldview. When we assume we know someone else’s story, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to grow and miss the chance to connect with someone new. 

As I was writing this article, I also thought about saying that you should never be afraid to make someone angry if you’re doing the right thing. I realized, however, that feeling afraid often accompanies courage. Being brave means that even though you may not know what to expect from your decision, you still stand up for what you care about and stay true to yourself. I’ve learned that feeling regret is often worse than feeling fear, so do what makes you feel proud. This principle is not just for large, dramatic decisions, but for the small moments as well. I would have never met some of my best friends if I hadn’t joined the cross country team (even though I’m a mediocre runner), and I certainly would not be writing this article if I didn’t follow my brother into room 116 on a fateful winter day during freshman year. So, next year, ask the person down the hall to get coffee, go to office hours with your professor, join a new club – because whatever happens you’ll be left with a story to tell. Every story has a purpose, and often these stories help bring us together.  

Finally, I want to say thank you to everyone who supported me and the entire Radnorite these past four years. My entire life I have been reserved, often nervous to raise my hand in class or to talk in front of a large group of people. Writing for the Radnorite gave me the opportunity to share my voice in a way that felt safe, and I will forever be grateful to all of you who created that space for me in this community.

Signing off, 

Sammy Rosin

Eleanor Adams:

Time, mystical time – Taylor Swift

I meditate often with friends about the strangeness of time. As I say goodbye to the Radnorite and Radnor High School, I find myself reflecting on my very first memories of 130 King of Prussia Road. Although it was over three years ago, the beginning of my journey at the Radnorite remains one of the most vivid moments from my high school career. Shaking and scared to raise my hand, I sat staring at the upperclassmen writers in awe. I spoke only once, but I remember many of the articles pitched that day. I remember which swivel chair I sat in. I remember walking out of that room excited. 

When my friends and I discuss the concept of time, we often reflect on how it passes. We speak about weeks that feel as long as months and months that feel as short as weeks. I think about the strangeness of how clearly I remember being an anxious ninth-grader in that Radnorite meeting, excited to make my mark on the high school. I remember being the freshman girl who sat in her kitchen writing an article about the different kinds of nut milks. I remember being the sophomore girl whose heart raced as she walked onto Loop Field and immersed herself as a reporter for the first time. I remember being the junior girl who found out that she would get to lead the Radnorite alongside her best friends. Yet now, I am the senior girl who feels ready to leave the high school and who feels ready to say goodbye to this newspaper. 

When I think about time, I think about how often I wish it away. It’s a very easy thing to do: itching to be at the end of a stressful period like midterms or counting down the days until an exciting event, not appreciating the moments in between. Against my own advice, I began counting down to graduation when I became engulfed by the stress of college applications, and it came more quickly than I could have ever expected. Although my time has come to an end, I urge you to cherish all of the time you spend in this place. Although I would not ever rewind my time, sometimes I wish for one more day- of cross country preseason, of LM dance practice, of deliriously studying for a physics exam, of messing around in the library- because time is strange, beautiful thing, and I do not think I will ever understand how it has passed so quickly.

Edy MacKenzie:

I am incredibly grateful to my freshman-self for having the courage to speak up in a crowded Radnorite meeting four years ago. Journalism had already been a steady passion of mine since an independent research project in eighth grade, but the Radnorite introduced me to the joys of reporting. I’m endlessly thankful that my constant quest for information, my tireless need for truth, led me to the newsroom.

Like most people my age, I’ve done a lot of self-exploration. I’ve tried to navigate the demands of high school and comprehend societal struggles such as the pandemic, while also growing into a person I can be proud of. Like everyone, I sometimes fall short. The bravery I displayed in that first Radnorite meeting falters. But throughout all the adversity I’ve faced at Radnor, the tumultuous highs and lows, the Radnorite has remained. To me, our newspaper is a steady outlet of expression, a place to feel heard, and a community to share. Bringing news to Radnor became more than just reporting; it evolved into a means of forging connections across our township. I’ve interviewed local business owners, prominent journalists, and fellow classmates. I’ve explored opinions, arts, and sports. Journalism has played a primary role in my high school career, providing a window through which to understand the world around me. As a writer, I have learned to listen, to seek enlightenment, to test limits, even to accept criticism. I’m still trying to find my place in the world; I don’t think I’ll ever stop developing into a better version of myself, but the Radnorite has defined a significant part of my personal journey so far.

At the Radnorite, we represent the student voice, the student opinion, and the student experience. I ardently believe that however young you are, your thoughts matter and your words count. Never underestimate your ability to make a difference through expression, whether your forum is the paper, the canvas, or even the poll booth. You have power—don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

To my fellow seniors, now that we’ve graduated, what lies ahead is even more daunting than the pressure of perfect grades and college acceptances. It’s the unknown. Your future is determined by whatever you decide. I recommend you seek adventure, strive to expand your horizons, and always choose compassion. I hope you remember to stay strong. I ask that you raise your hand in a crowded meeting and volunteer, even if you’re scared. Most of all, I urge that you fight for yourself, every day.

With love,


Sarah Tachau:

When I reflect on what I’ll miss most about Radnor, a few things come to mind: the integrated classes held in our makeshift lecture hall, the cardboard wolves that roamed the fields, the parents and their criticism during heated school board meetings, the bi-weekly power outages, and all the other little absurdities in this community. Above all, however, I’ll miss the space to make fun of these absurdities. The Radish has provided me with room to take a step back and attempt to illustrate the nonsense. In the Radnor bubble where a little disagreement can go a long way (especially if lawn signs are involved), looking at the big picture can help facilitate discussion and compromise. Though satire often gets a bad rep for its hyperbolic or critical nature, the genre is beyond effective at bringing people down to earth. 

When I wrote my first Radnorite article, I assumed one day I could be editor-in-chief. I thought the same thing when I wrote my first Radish article and was told that the piece “just isn’t funny.” I kept writing not just as a bitter attempt to disprove this criticism, but because I genuinely enjoyed it. Shifting to satire has taught me that you can’t predict where you’re going to end up, but if you follow the interests that make you put off homework for two hours, you’ll find the right place. That’s super cheesy and I was trying not to sound like that, but there’s no other way to put it. The Radish has given me an outlet to practice creative writing— an interest I previously ignored because I thought it entailed writing a fantasy novel. Somewhere along the lengthy editing process I realized that writing for the Radish is, in the most descriptive way I can put it, fun. 

As I prepare to sign off, I need to thank the people who led me here, writing this blurb. Thank you to the previous Radish editors and writers; I could not have learned without your well-written examples. Thank you to my fellow editors for always reviewing my pieces when I needed the help. Thank you to the Radnor administration for teaching me how to communicate, negotiate, and speak up for myself. Thank you to the underclassmen, especially the freshmen, who wrote for the Radish this past year; your unlimited creative energy gives me so much hope for the future of this column. Above all, thank you to everyone who read. I can’t wait to see where the Radnorite goes, and I hope other writers can find a home within this paper. 

That’s the latest from the Radish,

Sarah Tachau

Finally, each year The Radnorite Senior Issue includes a list of the seniors’ post-graduate plans – congratulations Class of 2023!

Afiyah Abdul Azeez- Penn State University

Eleanor Adams – Bowdoin College

Yeshfa Ahmad – Temple University

Christopher Anderson – East Stroudsburg Univeristy

Gerrard Atkinson – UC Santa Cruz

Alexa Barzi – University of Pittsburgh

Connor Baumann – College of Charleston

Teddy Bazyar – Elizabethtown College

Holly Bevenour- University of Connecticut

Gianna Bloomfield- University of California- Santa Barbara

Grace Bookbinder- Trinity College

Peter Bragdon- Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Jacob Braunfeld- Colorado State University

Dennis Ryan Brennan – University of Chicago

Matthew Brown – West Chester University

Matthew Brubaker – University of Miami

Olivia Brubaker – University of Colorado—Boulder

Bridget Burke – Marist College

Amir Byrd – Lackawanna College

Bryn Carrigan – Kenyon College

Julia Carvalho – West Chester University

Ethan Catoe – Louisiana State University

Luciano Chadha – Amherst College

Gwyneth Chase – Syracuse University

Leon Chen – University of Pennsylvania

Camden Cheshire – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Alexander Cheung – Northeastern University

Matthew Choi – Syracuse University

Catherine Ciminero – Pennsylvania State University

Louisa Clark – Colgate University

Caden Cleffi – University of Virginia

William Coleman – Drexel University

Margaux Colonna – University of Vermont

Nick Conlan – Miami University

Campbell Coonley – Bucknell University

Ryan Covello – Saint Joseph’s University

Scott Dalkin – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Roman Davies – Pennsylvania State University

Nicholas De Cain – Washington & Lee University

Thomas DeShan – United States Military Academy—Westpoint

Sophia DiGiovanni – University of Pittsburgh

Anushka Dixit – Emerson College

Amelia Dole – Boston College

Meghan Dole – Franklin & Marshall College

Evan Dori – University of Tampa

Gabriel Douthwaite – University of Cincinnati

Philip Duffy – University of Virginia

Kelsey Dunkel – University of South Carolina

Guinevere Dunn – Gap year in Paraguay, Carleton College (fall 2024)

Juliette Egg-Krings – Lehigh University

Leanna Elebah – Northeastern University

Finn Elizardi – Orgeon State University

Mia Engle – Auburn University

Sabina Eraso – Duke University

Chloe Grace Ernst – Duquesne University

Angela Esgro – Pennsylvania State University

Connor Eustice – Franklin & Marshall College

Raphael Fagundes – University of Michigan

Carson Feinberg – University of California Los Angeles

Delaney Flynn – Pennsylvania State University

Lillian Games – Wellesley College

Claudia Gelles – Fordham University

Michael Gerrow – Elon University

Haleigh Giardinelli – University of Tennessee

Anastasia Sophia Giuntoli – University of Mississippi

Alexander Goldstein – University of Michigan

Lauren Goldstein – Bucknell University

Chris Goncher – Purdue University

Joseph Griffin – Villanova University

Naomi Gross – Unversity of Wisconsin- Madison

Cormac Harper – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Ellen Hederick – Syracuse University

Jackson Hicke – Princeton University

Caitlin Hickey – Barnard College

Isabella Higaki – University of Pittsburgh

Samuel Hilbert – University of Colorado—Boulder

Emily Holtz – Vassar College

Theodore Hoysgaard – University of Mississippi

Leigh Quentin Hricko – University of Florida

Allen Huang – Yale University

Tara Hug – University of Maryland

Edward Huh – University of Pittsburgh

Ava Imperato – Lafayette College

Sam Irani – Auburn University

Zachary Irani – Pennsylvania State University

Elizabeth Johnstone – Carleton College

Kwangjun Jung – University of Miami

Sophia Kaisermann – College of William & Mary

Madeleine Kane – Hofstra University

Kelsey Kasher – Pennsylvania State University

Lauren Kelley – Colgate University

Tegan Kelsall – Bucknell University

Thomas Kennedy – Miami University of Ohio

William Kent – Fairfield University

Hajoon Kim – University of Michigan—Ann Arbor

Peter Kim – Boston College

Abigail Kloss – University of Florida

Skyler Le – Bucknell University

Amanda Lee – Middlebury College

Noah Lichtenwalner – Loyola University Maryland

Isabel Liu – Northeastern University

Raymond Luan – Carnegie Mellon University

Edith MacKenzie – Wake Forest University

David Marshall – University of Pittsburgh

Catherine Martin – Fairfield University

Nathan McCreary – Elon University

Mariella McKaige – New York University

Michael McNicholas – St. Joseph’s University

Darci McRae – Bowling Green State University

Katelyn Miller – Elon University

Ines Miraka – Pennsylvania State University

Keaton Monaghan – Temple University

Mason Montrella – Frankling & Marshall College

Nicholas Monty – Ohio State University

Carson Moore – Pennsylvania State University

Claudia Morales – Delaware County Community College (two years)

Andrew Morris – West Chester University

Levy Morrison – Temple University

Cooper Mueller – Princeton University

Maximillian Muller – Lafayette College

Maryam Naser – Columbia University

Fiona Neary – College of Charleston

Alex Nelson – Case Western Reserve University

Sydney O’Shea – Syracuse University

Sungwoo Oh – Purdue University

Mirena Ordonez Lopez – Elizabethtown College

Natalie Pratt – University of Alabama: Honors College

Stephanie Pratt – Fairfield University

John Paul Pruett – University of Florida

Sonali Purohit – Franklin & Marshall College

Anne-Aurora Rayer – University of Pittsburgh

William Remphrey – University of Colorado—Boulder

Olive Richter – University of Delaware

Aidan Roselle – Ursinus College

Daniel Rosenblum – University of Rochester

Samantha Rosin – Columbia University

Maxwell Rubenstein – University of California Los Angeles

Fiona Ryan – University of Oregon

Aidan Ryder – Pennsylvania State University

Matthew Ryeom – University of Virginia

Jack Sakowski – Loyola University Maryland

Anna Sanderson – University of Minnesota—Twin Cities

Mary Sareen – University of Maryland

Sydney Schultz – University of Maryland

Jonathan Schwartz – University of Delaware

Benjamin Selbach – Colgate University

Jacob Shalev – Cabrini University

Gardner Sheehan – University of Southern California

Olivia Shieh – College of Charleston

Anton Skvortsov – Pennsylvania State University

Anchalee Miya Slaim – University of Michigan

Gavin Slate – The College of Wooster

Finn Spiers – Williamson College of the Trades

Jillian Spiller – Elizabethtown College

Harry Stein – Temple University

Sean Stone – University of Delaware

Pablo Strid – Franklin & Marshall College

Brooke Struyk – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Ella Sule – University of Colorado—Boulder

Ian Sun – Boston University

Sarah Tachau – Macalester College

Mackenzie Tewksbury – University of Richmond

Charles Thornton – Randolph-Macon College

Christopher Tyburski – University of Pennsylvania

Gabriel Vandevere – University of Delaware

Ryan VanDusen – University of Tennessee

Jacob VanHorn – University of Miami

Julia Vines – Florida State University

Lucia Virdone – Miami University of Ohio

Jessica Wang – Princeton University

Kyle Wang – Cornell University

Marina Wang – Occidental College

Declan Warner – Savannah College of Art and Design

Kathlyn Warner – University of Delaware

Kiera Warner – Miami University of Ohio

Katherine Winston – Dickinson College

Mia Xie – Rice University

Mariça Ximenes – University of Vermont

Hannah Yao – Parsons School of Design

Lauren Yoo – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Paige Yurchak – Clemson University