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The Student News Site of Radnor High School


The Student News Site of Radnor High School


The Student News Site of Radnor High School


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Review Vol. 1

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Review Vol. 1

Joshua Jones June 5, 2017
Joshua Jones It is with no hesitation that I say Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is able to recapture the most effective elements of the original, simultaneously setting itself apart from the fourteen other MCU movies. The strong comedy, great references to the 70s and 80s, and overall heart allows for this film to stand amongst some of the greatest films of its genre.
13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why

Lena Armstrong and Sydney Brumfield June 3, 2017
Lena Armstrong and Sydney Brumfield The release of 13 Reasons Why is causing teens, parents, and even administrators to come to terms with how to face suicide.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Review Vol. 2 (CAUTION: Spoilers Ahead)

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Review Vol. 2 (CAUTION: Spoilers Ahead)

AJ Bloomfield June 3, 2017
AJ Bloomfield I am a very dedicated Marvel fan and I am always in the first showing possible when a new flick is released. But when the final end credit scene of Guardians 2 rolled, I was genuinely disappointed that my buttery treat was the best part of the entire movie excursion.
A Farewell to Club Penguin

A Farewell to Club Penguin

James “Jake” Barone May 16, 2017
James “Jake” Barone In the early hours of March 30th, the massively multiplayer online tyrant that once was, Club Penguin, shut down its servers permanently.
Divide Review

Divide Review

Nazim Duran May 8, 2017
Nazim Duran Ed Sheeran has always broken the barriers between hip-hop, folk, rock, and pop. The beautiful blend of these genres is what makes Ed so unique, and has earned him his astounding fame. Ed Sheeran’s new album both offers a bigger blend of genres and more success than his two previous albums.
Gaga for ‘La La Land’: A Musical Masterpiece

Gaga for ‘La La Land’: A Musical Masterpiece

April 19, 2017
From its enthralling opening dance scene to the heart-wrenching closing dream sequence, Damien Chazelle’s latest directorial effort, “La La Land,” has won the hearts of moviegoers nationwide.
Battlefield 1's Historical Glitches

Battlefield 1’s Historical Glitches

Sylvain Falquet and Joshua Jones January 31, 2017

Sylvain Falquet and Joshua Jones Over the past several weeks, EA DICE’s new first person shooter (FPS) Battlefield 1 has taken the gaming community by storm.  This new entry in the widely-popular Battlefield...

Disney Reminds Us to Follow Our Hearts: Reviews of Moana and Inner Workings

Disney Reminds Us to Follow Our Hearts: Reviews of Moana and Inner Workings

Emilija Sagaityte, Former Editor-in-Chief January 31, 2017
Emilija Sagaityte Disney’s Moana sailed into theaters at the end of 2016, illustrating the story of Moana, a girl in line to be the leader of her island’s people. My experience watching Moana in theaters was made even better by Inner Workings, a Disney short that preceded Moana in theaters.
Take Notes, Broadway

Take Notes, Broadway

Sydney Brumfield December 25, 2016
Sydney Brumfield It is stunning that Hamilton is able to make triple to profit of over half the Broadway productions in history, but the reason for its success, I feel, is more simple than one would expect.
“Sea of Trees” Movie Review

“Sea of Trees” Movie Review

Fernando Castro December 25, 2016
Fernando Castro While it has not been positively received by most movie critics, watching Sea of Trees can be a powerful experience if you enter with an open mind, and don’t mind stomaching tragedy along the way.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Review

Ben Chanenson and Patrick Walker December 18, 2016
Ben Chanenson and Patrick Walker
Looking Back at the Man Who Got Rock Rolling

Looking Back at the Man Who Got Rock Rolling

Nazim Duran December 11, 2016
Nazim Duran This year Chuck Berry, the man who created rock and roll, celebrates his 90th birthday.

Are There Too Many Marvel Movies?

Nazim Duran and Will Dawson November 10, 2016
Nazim Duran and Will Dawson With Doctor Strange coming in as Marvel’s newest release, the question often gets posed: has Marvel made too many movies?
A Moon Shaped Pool Review

A Moon Shaped Pool Review

Nazim Duran October 28, 2016
Nazim Duran Ever since a friend of mine introduced me to the band Radiohead, I have been in love with their music and everything they have to offer.
Revolution Radio Review

Revolution Radio Review

Sydney Brumfield October 27, 2016
Sydney Brumfield Popular punk rock band Green Day's 12th studio album, Revolution Radio, hit stores on October 7th, and has received a warm welcome from the public.
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