Seniors’ Farewell to Sports
January 12, 2022
As the fall season came to a close, the weather became frigid, plants began to frost over, and many seniors bid farewell to their beloved sports. During this emotional time, Zoe and I decided to collect seniors’ memories about their time with their cherished sports. We began with our own sport: cross country.

Boys Cross Country:
Seniors Jimmy Kurtz, Jack Halberstadt, and Aidan Leonard, Radnor High School’s boys cross country captains, have run together for their entire high school career, and each documents different experiences. Jimmy played tennis throughout the duration of his childhood and joined the high school’s cross country team in 2018, finding great success. In cross country, the people on the team matter as much as the athletics. “Having a group of guys that I love being around and that are hype to be around every single day have definitely made it great!” said Kurtz. Jimmy was one of two Radnor High school students to attend states this year and finished in a time of 17:32. Jack Halberstadt joined freshman year as well. He started his career off with a bang, becoming a varsity athlete within just the first few months. Jack presumed that because he had such a great first year, he had great expectations for the years to come. Halberstadt stated, “I don’t regret any of the miles I have run, and I hopefully will continue to run” and added that he hopes to run club in college or at least he will run on his own frequently. If you are interested in joining cross country, be sure to not reach out to Aidan Leonard. His advice for younger teammates was to “quit while you still have time.” When asked about what he will miss, he said, “Uhhm… shh probably nothing. I’m not a big cross country guy”. Michael Farhy, Junior Varsity Captain and Varsity athlete, had a great time with the sport. The people he met over the last four years “made running more bearable” focusing on the Herd, a group of, self-titled, senior guys who partake in all three seasons of running. When asked what he will miss most, Michael replied,“The community, the pasta parties, the friends, but mostly the people.” He’s on the verge of tears. With the vast majority of cross country athletes being seniors this year, the future of the team is unknown and we here at Radnor are excited to see who will step up.

Girls Cross Country:
Radnor Girls Cross Country had a spectacular season and much of the praise belongs to the captain, Seneca “Senny” Farhy. From the camaraderie of the team to the bond between the girls, so much will be lost at the end of the season for Senny after four remarkable years. She began running in 7th grade on the middle school track team and instantly fell in love. Over the years, she has experienced dozens of meets, hundreds of practices, and thousands of spikes, but what stuck with her most was her senior year scavenger hunt. “I was on a team with people I was not so close with, but it brought me closer with them,” said Senny. Fellow Senior Alison “Ali” Miltenberger has run Radnor Cross Country for four years at the school as well, and she loves the sport whole-heartedly. “My advice to younger teammates would be to work hard [but] not overly worry about your times. As long as you are having fun and being with the team you will have a great season no matter what”. She believes that the warm, welcoming people on the team are everything. Senny encourages anyone interested to come and try it out. “To anyone who wants to [try out] for the team, just come out. My freshman year I started [out] not thinking that I was gonna take it seriously at all, but I ended up finding not only a sport but also people that I really love. You never really know unless you try, so if you are thinking about it just go for it.”

Radnor Golf had a splendid 2021 season, coming fourth overall in the central league. This year’s Senior captains, Chase Stephano and Molly Haas, both individually qualified for districts, and Chase remarked, “ I could not be happier [about] how my high school golf career ended!” The team had a close bond unlike any other and Chase attributed that to it being such a small team and explained how even though the team is made up of different grades, everyone came together as “one unit”. “The people definitely made it memorable and I think they really contributed to me getting better too because it’s such a supportive environment,” said Molly. Although everyone supported each other, Molly emphasized that the team “still pushed each other to get better.” After four years of hard work, Chase qualified for states. “Qualifying for states is immensely hard to do because only around 20 kids qualified from our entire district. I could not be happier for how my high school golf career ended because I made it to the state championships final tournament for golf,” exclaimed Chase. Next year, Molly will be attending Lafayette for lacrosse, but she will be sure to continue to get out to the golf range. Chase is considering playing in college, but if he decides against it, he will hit the range recreationally. “The team has a lot of young talent so the following years should go very well for the team,” affirmed Chase. Molly ended the interview by expressing her gratitude towards the sport: “Thank you Radnor golf for such an amazing four years! It’s been so enjoyable to play with you guys and I wish you the best of luck next year!” The team has immense talent and Radnor could not be any more proud!

Girls Volleyball:
Although many injuries halted the start of the season, the team persevered and ended the 2021 season on a high note. The environment and team aspect of the sport really embodied the strengths of Radnor Girls Volleyball. “[The team] really made the sport for me,” said Senior Captain Kendall Slupe. She later explained, “I was really coming out to play with my teammates because they always made my day.”Although she was originally “peer pressured” into playing, Slupe has grown to love the sport. The other Senior Captain, Margot Lane, also believed in the camaraderie of the team: “I was happy with how it ended. We may not have had a great winning season, but as a team we showed strength and determination in countless games.” Kendall had similar beliefs: “We had a good season regardless of what our stats were. I think we played well as a team and became closer as a volleyball community in Radnor.” Neither girl plans to continue playing in college, but Margot intends to join a club team at whatever college she attends, unlike Kendall. Overall, the fall volleyball season was a huge success, and Margot encourages students to join the team next year: “If you are playing now or planning on playing volleyball at Radnor, 100% do it. Coach AM is a great coach and the environment is wonderful!” Thanks RGV for a great season and we here at Radnor are excited to see what the future holds.

Girls Field Hockey:
With a nine game winning streak, victories left and right, and a traffic cone with Meghan Dole’s picture plastered on it, Radnor Girls Field Hockey had nothing short of a miraculous season! Captains Hope Delaney, Courtney Wolfington, and Riley Mazzalupi have participated in the team dynamic for the last four years. “The people I met in Radnor Field Hockey are some of my best friends…Meeting them and being on a team together is something I will never forget,” said Hope Delaney. Delaney was the attacking center midfielder and a first year senior captain, and she will be continuing her field hockey career at Princeton next year: “I am looking forward to pursuing a tremendous opportunity that I am beyond thankful for!” One thing that all the girls agreed on is the “tight knit” team. “Just keep the welcoming environment embedded in RGFH,” advised Courtney. Mazzalupi encouraged her team to “keep playing and having fun with it.” Riley elaborated, “Sometimes the sport is discouraging, but if you find the right people it becomes the best part of your day.” Riley will be continuing her field hockey career for the next four years at Miami University: “I have already met the team, love the coaches, and could not be any more excited. I will miss this team with my whole heart!” Although field hockey is a rough, competitive sport, the girls value their experience from those hard games the most. Courtney stated that her favorite memory was their game against Garnet Valley in the Central League semi-finals last year. Previously they had lost 6-0 but this year RGFH beat them 3. “It was definitely one of the most exciting games we’ve ever played,” emphasized Courtney. The Radnor community is more than excited for our seniors’ future and can’t wait to see what’s next for RGFH!

Girls Tennis:
Captains Caitilin Fram, Danielle Lomazoff, and Josie Solomon, had an absolute blast in tennis this year. There were so many different aspects of the season that were their favorites, like Josie’s US Open Trip and Caitlin’s participation in the team’s infamous scavenger hunt. Danielle’s was a doubles match with her partner Stephanie Pratt: “This match was one where Steph and I put our all into and we were so determined to win. We had most of our team lined up by the fence cheering us on and helping us through the tough match. It was a moment when I realized how much I loved and appreciated this team and how we all had each other’s backs.”Each girl mentioned the close connections they have made in their time. “The people I met definitely made the sport memorable and some of the most fun I ever had. I got to meet some of my best friends who I probably wouldn’t have been friends with without tennis,” said Caitlin. Caitlin will continue her passion as she had the best time in the four years she played during high school by joining a club tennis team or just playing with friends. Even though each girl had mentioned the year was rocky, everyone was absolutely delighted about their season. Danielle commented that she accomplished her goal of playing “higher up on the ladder” as well as how great the team was with motivation and the coaching. Josie commented that she will forever miss “everyone being crowded next to the courts during matches and cheering everyone on.”” To her teammates, Josie said ,“You guys are the best and there’s no other group of people I’d wanna play tennis with and become best friends with.” Lastly, Danielle had some advice for her younger teammates: “You don’t realize how fast the last seasons go by, so be grateful for every moment spent with this amazing team.” She plans to join a club tennis team wherever she goes.

From playing under the Friday Night Lights, to dancing at the pep rally, Radnor Football had another great season with another historic win against LM. “My favorite memory is winning the LM game,” said CJ Murphy,“To struggle a bit during the regular season and go out with a win like that, me and the rest of the seniors will remember forever.” The inside linebacker on defense, tight end and receiver on offense, was happy about his 4 years of RAFO, even if they didn’t win many games. He is extremely thankful for the great friendships he has built, which he will keep for life. These bonds are with the players and the coaches, as he said, “The coaches were not only good coaches but good friends too.”
He also gives a major thank you to the school and to the Ruckus for showing up to the games.CJ is undecided of where he is going to continue with his football career, but his love for the sport is never-ending. Damien Falcone, on the other hand, was not expecting the season to end that way. Although the LM win saved the year, the team’s linebacker and running back’s word to his junior teammates was “3-8 sucks.” Radnor has forever faith in our football team, just like Damien does, as he acknowledges how hard the team works on and off season and how they all came together to learn and play the sport they were all passionate about. “Keep working hard and trust the process. It will pay off if you put your head down and grind,” said Damien to his younger teammates. He also gave a huge thank you to his coaches and for the team for having his back. Damien is looking to play football in college and is reaching out to schools and talking with coaches. Linebacker and wide receiver Will Gallagher said, “I am very thankful to have been a part of RAFO. It has been a great experience I will remember forever.” Will emphasized that football introduced him to so many new friends, underclassmen and coaches included, who he may not have met if it weren’t for the sport . Will will not be continuing football, as he is committed to Notre Dame for lacrosse, but he will still be cheering on his teammates and watching games. Thanks so much RAFO for such a great season, and cheers to our amazing seniors (and much thanks for a half-day Monday)!

Boys Soccer:
One question I asked myself during the fall sports season was why are the Radnor Boys Soccer team calling themselves “The Gents.” Captain Seb Kaper-Barcelata explained, “The name came along when [our coach] Carulo first started out as a coach and he told his players to be gentleman after an incident with poor behavior so then they started calling themselves the gents and soon the name stuck.” Seb continues boldly with remarks of how the team “might be some of the most respectfully decent kids in Radnor and never get into trouble.”
Despite the earlier end to the season, the Radnor Boys Soccer team killed it on the field. Seb might have been slightly saddened and hurt about the loss of the Championship but is still incredibly proud of the team and his fellow Gents. The center back felt that each player had put their hearts into the game, which he said “was what really mattered in the end.” All 3 of the captains also expressed their close experience with their teammates, which completely shined through on the field. “If I had one thing to say to my teammates, I would thank them for the endless memories and giving me a great experience in the program, ” said Captain Nick Luchessi. Nick and the other Captains all emphasized the positive impact of the Gents, as well as having a great experience that they wouldn’t trade for anything. Captain and Center Striker, Drew Warren, is also grateful and will miss his teammates and Coach Caruolo, who has been coaching him since he was younger. Drew hopes to play in college and of course, stay connected with the Gents. Likewise, Nick says “I will continue to follow the sport and play as much as I can and any given opportunities to play soccer, I will always say yes.” Seb expressed how his career will not end here (he loves the competitiveness and bonds formed on the field too much), and he will be joining a club soccer team in college. When asked to give any advice to their younger teammates, all captain emphasized the importance of enjoying your time and that time should not be taken for granted.”

Girls Soccer:
Radnor Girls Soccer had a spectacular season this year. The tight-knit group of girls made Radnor history when they got into the State Championship. I think I can speak for Radnor as we were all incredibly proud of RGS. Jane Daiutolo, the team’s attacking center midfield, was happy no matter the loss. “We made an amazing run in the state tournament and it was a really special experience that I’ll definitely remember forever,” said Jane. Captains Kate Boujoukos, Emily Daiutolo, Jane Daiutolo, and Olivia Kelley all had great seasons and all can agree that they will all miss their teammates dearly. Kate Boujokos, the team’s Defensive Center Midfield, commented, “Radnor Girls Soccer has drawn a lot of kind and awesome people into the program… It’s safe to say that the people have made me happier and more excited to go play the sport, practice has always been the highlight of my day.” The tight relationship of RGS spilled into their chemistry on the field as Emily Daiutolo, the team’s holding midfield, highlighted, “The girls that you’re playing with are the most important thing. The team environment and attitude all depends on the girls and it has been so amazing this year.” Olivia Kelley, the team’s center back, is going to miss “playing night games on Encke under the lights.” She noted, “There is so much energy and adrenaline when I’m on the field playing in these types of games. The environment is electric when the ruckus is chanting on the sideline and the whole experience is amazing.” All girls had also mentioned their PIAA 3A District Champion game as one of their favorite games and wins as the team “worked so hard to get to that point.” “There were so many beautiful moments and passing sequences that were absolutely perfect,” noted Kate. All of the girls encourage anyone and everyone to try out and keep working hard on the field, as Olivia commented, “Being a member of this high school team for the past four years has helped me grow as not only a player but also a person.” Jane wants her underclass teammates and anyone trying out to“keep the momentum of RGS going.” Next year, Kate will be playing soccer for Franklin & Marshall. Emily says if she doesn’t end up on a college team, club soccer is definitely in her future. Jane says that she will hopefully be playing in college and will forever be playing with her friends and family. Olivia is committed to Lafayette College for lacrosse.