Sang-Hee Park
This movie is rated R for language and sexually explicit themes. Therefore, the review will have mentions of this content. Make sure to read at your discretion.
Recently I had the privilege of interviewing author Eliot Schrefer about his book Endangered, which was a finalist for the National Book Award. Endangered illustrates the life of fourteen year old Sophie...
The heat of the cocoa pecks my lips,
Melts my worries, consumes me.
Savoring the sweetness,
I close my eyes.
I am back in the serene woods,
Standing on the root of the tree
Grasping at the earth.
On March 3-6, Radnor High School put on its annual winter musical, Meredith Wilson’s The Music Man, which as usual, did not disappoint. Over 100 students in the cast and crew worked together for several...
I've never watched a Star Wars movie. My relationship with the sci-fi saga was akin to one with the popular kid who's never in your classes -- they're recognizable, but not familiar enough to be particularly...
Diversity is something that Hollywood and record companies have been trying to institutionalize for quite some time now. There have been some strides in this, from black artists like Beyoncé winning...
As America continues to progress in its liberality, racial advocating has also come to make a greater appearance in today’s society. Through the manifestation of current events, minority groups strive...
Throughout my almost eighteen years, I have played five instruments (six if you include the recorder in third grade), and I was absolutely terrible at every one. Despite my lack of musical ability, I have...
When members of Radnor's UMatter teamed up with art teacher Tracey Dean to help strike out hunger, they had no idea how quickly the school community would embrace their efforts. RHS students and faculty...
The brand new and highly revered show, Hamilton, combines musical elements of the modern age with a storyline that takes viewers back to the early days of our country in a highly innovative, awe-inspiring...
I am in awe
Of the way wind
The trees and shapes their leaves
And causes the flowers to dance
To its wonderful rhythm and flow
Of the way snow
This month, the Radnorite focuses on mental health. Many studies have shown that reading can be a way to decrease your stress and keep your mind sharp. Illuminae is an easy-to-read story that...
For years, the gaming industry would only find success in big-name titles - huge corporations such as Nintendo had no problem making and selling popular games. Nowadays, however, the biggest cultural phenomenon...
Waiting at the End of the World
Perched on the railing
I sing an old three dog night song
To myself, and anyone
close enough to hear
The cicadas buzz
Soft white snow.
An airplane rumbles in low...