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The Student News Site of Radnor High School


The Student News Site of Radnor High School


The Student News Site of Radnor High School


Political Cartoon: Radnor's Wifi Fix

Political Cartoon: Radnor's Wifi Fix

October 17, 2018
Ethan Lee


Patrick Kaper-Barcelata June 15, 2018
Patrick Kaper-Barcelata Please stand and recite the College Board Pledge of Allegiance™. I will recite it to you as you speak it aloud. While unnecessary, this is a reminder that you must remove your hats and capacity for individual thought.
Radnor & Juuliet

Radnor & Juuliet

June 11, 2018
Max Xie
Student Debt

Student Debt

June 11, 2018
Ethan Lee

Friday Funny: Emergency AP Teacher Meeting

Patrick Kaper-Barcelata April 27, 2018
Patrick Kaper-Barcelata Family and staff of Radnor High School, I’m no meteorologist, but I do have the full authority, green light clearance, uncontested autocratic power to do whatever the parents tell me to do. Therefore, due to the inclement weather (persistent five-minute flurries alternating with dastardly dustings), school will be cancelled for the rest of the week. On a side note, RHS Fourth of July fireworks will be held during 5th period A lunch for students wishing to attend. Have a blast in the snow! Stay safe, Ken Batchelor

Muffin Mayhem

Nazim Duran March 23, 2018
Nazim Duran Breakings news has revealed that the Radnor High School cafeteria has recently received a generous donation from none other than the muffin man.

Malevolent Millennials

February 23, 2018
Graham Harrington The Friday Funny Millennials are the worst generation in history! We’ve ruined everything from the 9 to 5 work week to diamonds.
Tasty Tuesday Tale

Tasty Tuesday Tale

February 13, 2018
High School Senior Collects Record Number of College Letters

High School Senior Collects Record Number of College Letters

October 6, 2017
Neal Chan The date October 1st will go down in history. This past Sunday high school senior John Christianson broke the previous record of college letters collected, a total of 4,310 over three years.
The Friday Funny: Spinning Doctors

The Friday Funny: Spinning Doctors

Emilija Sagaityte, Former Editor-in-Chief June 2, 2017
Emilija Sagaityte If you get caught playing, I mean, wisely utilizing, a fidget spinner during a daunting test, no worries. Simply pull out the complimentary doctor’s note from the box it came in and explain that it is strictly for medical, relaxation purposes.
The Friday Funny: College As A Girlfriend, Your Girlfriend As College

The Friday Funny: College As A Girlfriend, Your Girlfriend As College

May 19, 2017
Sang-Hee Park I sat in the library, my eyes closed and my head rested on the table. Today, I was approached by dozens of students and mentioned by many more. Even some teachers dropped in on a nearby conversation more than once. Although I knew they were being superficial yet well-meaning, I couldn't help but to doubt myself. Maybe I should've waited a little longer before deciding. Maybe I -

Meet the Unusual Suspects

April 26, 2017
Amanda Magen outlines a few of Trump’s cabinet members. All in good fun.
A Vape Tale

A Vape Tale

March 31, 2017
Sang-Hee Park Some of our bathrooms have closed due to the these vape rogues playing their laffy taffy fruit flutes…I've been told that these restroom rituals are significant to the Mainline Bro culture. If you strain your ears in the hallway, some say that you can hear a faint Sonata Solo in A Minor accompanied by a freshman sobbing in rapturous bliss.

New Lethal Weapon?

October 28, 2016
AJ Bloomfield Congress would have an easier time banning AR15s than it would attempting to ban the most recent weapon used on a school campus.
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