At some point or another, APs became a favorable choice in the eyes of college-bound students. Radnor students can choose to take AP courses or integrated courses(honors classes which meet for two periods...
As December blows in each year, so do the holidays. No matter what people celebrate, the month is characterized by the aroma of freshly baked cookies in the oven, the sound of Christmas classics on the...
On MLK day, a group of junior students bussed down to Germantown to help out in a new community. Pulling into the Unitary Society of Germantown, a woman with volunteer badge kindly escorted the students...
On December 4th, when students from all of Radnor High School’s German classes arrived at Philadelphia’s Christmas Market, many of the shops had not yet opened. Seeing Love Park barren of people made...
      The Main Line boasts remarkable schools, homes, shops, and of course, restaurants. The continually-adapting culinary culture of our area includes countless places to eat and drink. From...
Perhaps the most celebrated tradition in all of Radnor is our rivalry with LM. Each year in mid-November, Radnor students continue the tradition of celebrating LM Week through decorating hallways, organizing...
The main lobby is the architectural heart of Radnor High. Hundreds of students pass through the lobby every day, but very few ever stop to examine its distinguishing feature—the Hall of Fame. On the...