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The Student News Site of Radnor High School


The Student News Site of Radnor High School


The Student News Site of Radnor High School


To ban or not to ban: What belongs in Radnor's classrooms

To ban or not to ban: What belongs in Radnor’s classrooms

Sammy Rosin February 8, 2022

Correction: This is a revised version of the article first posted on 02/08/22. Before the issue of book banning and censorship entered the spotlight in national news, a group of Radnor High School...

The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

Gaby Heberling, Staff Writer February 2, 2022

For the past decade, Russia and Ukraine have shared an intense conflict with one another; however, in recent weeks, this conflict has escalated. The United States and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)...

Inflation and the Nation’s Debt: Prices Surge as the Holidays Approach

Gaby Heberling, Guest Writer December 17, 2021

All over the country, prices are on the rise. From gas to groceries, Americans have noticed an uptick in consumer costs and  raised their concerns. Many people struggle to understand the causes of these...

Examples of Instagram posts focused on social justice in 2020. Since the killing of George Floyd, many people have taken to the streets and social media feeds to raise awareness about issues going on in the world. Photo originally on “Political Correctness: The Worried Youths’ Guide on What Not to Say” by Sarah Tachau

Social Media Activism: Making change in a digital age

Ian Sun, Opinions Section Editor December 1, 2021

We are all aware that social media changed the way we live our lives. The obvious benefits of social media include long-distance communication, expanding one’s reach beyond a local community, and an...

An autonomous shuttle at CES 2019

The Long-Awaited Promise of Self Driving Vehicles

Defne Doken September 29, 2021

Chances are you’ve heard of the upcoming invention of self-driving cars. As a seemingly new and novel idea, self-driving cars fascinate the public and many wait eagerly for the rollout of this innovation....

The speakers and main participants at the Equity and Inclusion walkout. The speakers are Brooklyn Williams (third from left w/megaphone), Sophia Angelini (second from right), Gianna Esbensen (behind Sophia), and Kieron Burrell (right). Photo by Sammy Rosin.

Students walk out for better equity + inclusion and change to history curriculum

Ian Sun June 17, 2021

RADNOR, June 17 (Radnorite) -On June 11 at 9:15 AM, many students walked out to the cafeteria courtyard to protest the lack of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in Radnor schools. Students called...

Photo by Camrin Azzarano

Fenimore Woods Park Renovation

Audrey Rubenstein June 14, 2021

Fenimore Woods Park has been enjoyed by many Radnor residents for the past 100 years. Around the park, laughter and happiness fill the air as kids dash through the playground and adults roam the forest...

Pervis Payne: Image from the Oak Ridger.

Pervis Payne: A Murky Fight for Justice

Max Rubenstein June 2, 2021

Pervis Payne was seen fleeing the Hiwassee Apartment complex on June 27, 1987, in Millington, Tennessee. According to officer C.E. Owen, Payne had appeared to be “sweating blood,” and after a brief...

RTSD school board members voting to adjourn the May 11th Board Meeting

Where Does the Mascot Go From Here?

Sammy Rosin May 26, 2021

The Radnor mascot has generated a lot of  discussion since the summer of 2020, leading to countless school board meetings, a walkout, and hours of public comment. Although the school board originally...

GameStop, Where is the Business Now?

GameStop, Where is the Business Now?

Lila Jackson-Molnar May 10, 2021

As GameStop stock falls, disappointing some and rewarding others, announcements of nation-wide store closures leave customers upset. “GameStop, the largest video game retailer in the world, is headed...

Why Students Walked Out on Monday (and Why They Didn’t)

Why Students Walked Out on Monday (and Why They Didn’t)

Eleanor Adams April 30, 2021

On Monday at 9:55 AM, a group of students walked out of class to protest the removal of the “Raider” name. This walkout comes after a lengthy struggle that advocated for this removal, beginning with...

Skincare for Men

Parnia Nasrullah April 16, 2021

The Vice Governor of DKI Jakarta, Sandiaga Uno, was caught applying lip moisturizer in a formal public appearance he made with the Governor, on December 13, 2017. This event went viral because the action...

The January 6th Capitol Riot: Inside and Out

William Meyer February 22, 2021

Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 was a dark day for American democracy. The world watched in shock as the attack on the U.S. Capitol unfolded. While Congress convened to count the electoral votes for the 2020...

The School Board members voting on the motion to table Dr. Babson’s resolution. The motion passed 6-3.

Radnor School Board Tables Motion to Condemn Capital Insurrection

Edy MacKenzie, Opinions Section Editor February 10, 2021

On Tuesday, January 12, nearly a week after the insurrection at the Capitol building, the Radnor School Board met for a government relations and communications committee meeting. During this time, committee...

Radnor Girls Basketball Tryouts - Photo by Sammy Rosin

Radnor Sports During a Global Pandemic

Audrey Rubenstein January 22, 2021

This year, indoor sports come with many complications and restrictions, but with its new ranking system, RTSD is working on a solution.   During this past summer when the sport pre-seasons were not...

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