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The Student News Site of Radnor High School


The Student News Site of Radnor High School


The Student News Site of Radnor High School


Picture taken by Stuart Ebby

Farewell Class of 2023

On Wednesday, June 7th, the Class of 2023 graduated from Radnor High School. Every year, the Radnorite publishes an issue where the senior staff members have the opportunity to reflect on their experiences...

Eco Yards

Eco Yards

Meredith Gelles June 8, 2023

On April 22, or Earth Day, the Radnor Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) launched a new program encouraging residents of Radnor to make their lawns more environmentally friendly. The program, Eco...

Tourette Syndrome Through Teenage Eyes

Tourette Syndrome Through Teenage Eyes

Chayse Hevesi May 17, 2023

A cacophony filled the high-ceilinged conference room; grunts, screams, song lyrics and even animal noises were audible from all directions. Dozens of people were jumping, waving and making strange faces....

Grace Xu playing her harp

A Conversation with RHS Harpist Grace Xu

Elena Chang May 14, 2023

In 2019, when I first started playing in a full orchestra, one of my most memorable experiences was seeing a harpist play. To me, the harp is an almost otherworldly instrument with its intricate design...

A map displaying the locations of popular colleges. Map obtained from

The Increasing Selectivity of Colleges

Ian Sun May 5, 2023

As the final college decisions roll in for the incoming class of 2027, many students have noticed the increasing selectivity of top colleges. The eight Ivy League universities all report their lowest acceptance...

The Enduring War: RHS Ukraine Relief Club

Olivia Dhavale April 24, 2023

The Russo-Ukrainian War began in February 2014, soon after the start of the Ukrainian Revolution, when the president, Viktor Yanukovych, was removed from office.  The disputes in Ukraine at the time were...

The History and Future of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Radnor

The History and Future of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Radnor

Finn Ryan April 19, 2023

One prevailing concern among students, parents, and faculty members in the district is the lack of support and awareness in regard to Radnor’s DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) program.  These policies...

Credit: Radnor Basketball

Chadwin’s Champions Make Radnor History

Zoe Margolies March 24, 2023

From playing in the Malvern League to winning at Districts, the Radnor Basketball Boys have faced it all to break the 1961 record. The boy’s basketball team made Radnor History after their exciting...

"Flight Test"
Story by CJ Dribble and Matthew Durlofsky; art by Mira Caplan

Flight Test

CJ Drobile, Matthew Durlofsky, and Mira Caplan March 22, 2023

Timothy the bee had always known that his kind and the students of Radnor High School had a longstanding battle for control over the invaluable cafeteria courtyard. But as his hour of reckoning bears...

The dashboard of ChatGPT’s beta version, as ChatGPT answers question 3 of a past AP Language FRQ, as of January 2023.

ChatGPT: A Menace to Educators, or a Valuable Teaching Tool?

Ian Sun March 15, 2023

Imagine a robot that can write an essay for you, or a computer program that can do all your shopping lists, plan your day, or an AI that you can chat with anytime, anywhere, like a human. Yet this technology...

Thank You For All That You Do!

Thank You For All That You Do!

Caitlin Roeltgen March 10, 2023

On February 21, there was a Radnor School Board meeting at Radnor High School. On the agenda; recognition of the School Board members.  January was school board appreciation month, and at the February...

The Study Guide on Studying

The Study Guide on Studying

Caitlin Roeltgen, Staff Writer March 2, 2023

“Did anyone make a quizlet?” is a question you’ve probably heard before. Quizlet is one popular way to study, but there are numerous other methods. These methods typically vary from person to person,...

The Importance of Preserving Music Education

The Importance of Preserving Music Education

David Marshall, Radnor Beat Editor February 22, 2023

Earlier in the year, I was in a meeting between the band student leadership team and the adult band leaders. Among the many topics discussed were the lack of new people participating in band and ways to...

Original graphic by Chayse Hevesi

Radnor Develops New Counseling Model to Support Students

Chayse Hevesi February 3, 2023

Beginning in late 2021, the Radnor High School administration undertook a major project: the College and Career Readiness Study. As the pandemic exposed the suffering mental health of students, the guidance...

Credit: Meredith Gelles

Portraits of a Home Fundraiser

Meredith Gelles February 1, 2023

On December 1, members of Radnor High School’s Art Club were assigned homes to create portraits for the club’s annual Portraits of a Home fundraiser for the Bethesda Project.  These homes were...

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