This spring, a new restaurant is coming to Garrett Hill: “Exit 13.” This restaurant isn't just any normal restaurant, though. The history behind “Exit 13” depicts a symbolic American success story...
Each year, Radnor High School musicians participate in the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) Music Festival. Students partake in a high level of competition to hopefully secure a place...
After a brief hiatus, I am pleased to say that the Outfit of the Week section is back, starting with a wrap up of an awesome LM day: Character/Celebrity day! Despite the lack of participation, this day...
On Saturday, November 19th, hundreds of people attended the 2022 Philadelphia ‘Walk to Defeat ALS’ event at Citizens Bank Park. After being postponed due to the World Series, the walk was a massive...
Every fall, Radnor Actors Workshop puts on a play here at Radnor High School. Last year, they performed Clue. This year, the play is the charming Almost, Maine, written by John Cariani, which tells 9 different...
Last month, members of the Senior class voted for their 2022 Homecoming Court. Congratulations to Amelia Dole, Meghan Dole, Sabina Eraso, Lauren Kelley, Ella Sule, Ryan Brennan, Sam Hilbert, Michael McNicholas,...
We're back! The CrossBoard is proud to present the first installment of the Radnorite Mini Crossword for the 2022-23. Two weeks until LM. You can do this. Best of luck, crossers!
Waiting in the Radnor Memorial Library, early for a meeting, I noticed my position right next to the wall of various laminated newspapers and magazines. Looking up at the display, with only two local papers...
Whether it was with a compliment about an outfit, a question about classes or extracurricular activities, or just her friendly smile, Mrs. Sharon McNamara made every RHS student feel welcomed and appreciated...
Around the world, national governments write laws that can either regulate and restrict the lives of their citizens or give them complete bodily autonomy. Amidst mask mandates, and possible vaccine requirements,...
Last month, students and teachers took a vow of silence for one day to bring awareness to the effects of harassment and discrimination against LGBTQ+ students in schools. This year's GLSEN Day of Silence...
Ever since its construction in 1910, the Willows Mansion has been an important cultural center for the Radnor community, undergoing numerous renovations and stylistic changes. However, since 2018, the...
The CrossBoard has returned from the depths of their clue conjuring cave. Happy first day after break! With today being virtual, we hope this crossword doesn't distract you too much from your teachers...
Radnor High School is no stranger to talent. From the phenomenal triumphs of our sports teams to our distinguished academic achievements, the Radnor student body consistently continues its tradition...
Happy Monday crossers! The CrossBoard hopes that the sixth installment of the Radnorite Mini Crossword will help students get through the last week before Spring Break. Happy solving! You've got this!